

nou·veau /ˈno͞ovō,no͞oˈvō/: adjective, inf. new, modern, newly arrived, newly developed

Directly following ‘This is Me Now‘ comes ‘nouvaeu‘. I’m studying French again. When I was in third grade was when I first remember trying to learn. I took it again in middle school. I’ve always loved their music and culture. Movies like Amelie and Fantastic Planet were some of the first introductions to proper film making as a young adult after having an aversion to movie culture as a kid.

The romance inside of Je te lasserai des mots is palpable beyond the limits of the language barrier. You can feel the emotion in his call and behind the words.. whatever they may be.



LaLa was one of my nicknames as a kid. Given to me by my brother Dan when he was just learning to talk.

Lala is feels like a reoccurring childhood dream.